usos e potencialidades pedagógicas
Ensino de História Local, Educação Patrimonial, Aula de CampoAbstract
This article is the result of discussions developed in the course “Local History: uses and pedagogical potential” of the Professional master’s degree in History (ProfHistória) at the Universidade Regional do Cariri – URCA. Given the challenge and problems faced in the Brazilian educational process, especially in the History discipline, there is a need to make use of new approaches, methodologies and pedagogical resources. In this regard, we argue that the teaching of local History and Heritage Education present themselves as important pedagogical approaches, capable of developing in students criticality, a feeling of identity and belonging, contributing to a better development of teaching-learning. Within a teaching proposal that uses so-called active methodologies, an important resource is the “lessons of field”, an activity carried out outside the classroom environment that can offer the student a range of benefits that go beyond simple transmission of facts and dates, making learning more engaging and meaningful (Hencklein, 2013). From this perspective, we present a proposal for a field activity in the city of Juazeiro do Norte, taking as its route the “faith track” carried out by pilgrims who visit the city annually.
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