“The Judgement of the Year Almanac”
nature, science and magic in Juazeiro do Norte - CE (1961-1996)
Almanac, Nature, ScienceAbstract
This article analyses “The Judgement of the Year Almanac” published by the House of Horoscopes, property of the cordelist and astrologist Manoel Caboclo and Silva, from 1960 to1996 in the city of Juazeiro do Norte. In this Almanac, the science of astrology was widespread through these popular leaflets that aimed on informing the farmers about the weather forecasts and seasons of the year, becoming a part of the culture of sertanejo people ( country people from the semi-arid) through the future predictions of Manoel Caboclo who as a prophet of time and who conceived the future trough his astrological science, building a vision of the world that was surrounded by natural elements, science and magic.
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